Know your unfavorable years.
Its either good luck — I’m the last to get it
Bad luck — I’m the first
When it’s good, ain’t nothin’ better
When it’s bad, ain’t nothin’ worseLynyrd Skynyrd – “Good Luck, Bad Luck”
Four Pillars of Wisdom can tell you which years can be unfavorable in your life. Just go to Yearly Hexagrams section.

Yearly Hexagrams for Barak Obama. Favorable years are marked - "O" and unfavorable years are marked - "*".
In the table with Yearly Hexagrams favorable years are marked – “O” and unfavorable years are marked – “*”. Let’s talk about how the program determines unfavorable years.
If a hexagram for some year is the “opposite” or the “reverse” hexagram of either Pre- or Later Heaven Hexagram, this year is considered to be unfavorable.
The “opposite” hexagram is that hexagram in which every Yang line is replaced by Yin line, and vice versa – every Yin by Yang.
Example of Pre-heaven hexagram and its opposite hexagram:
The reverse hexagram is that obtained by turning the natal hexagram upside-down, for example:
Years marked as unfavorable aren’t fated to be unfavorable! Remember, that each man has free will and each man is the builder of his own destiny.