
Achieve the best line of your birthday hexagram

I Ching Horoscope can give us a knowledge about how we should develop ourselves to be more auspicious…

Hexarhythm. Hexagram as illustration of rhythm of life.

Understanding of a hexagram gives us information about a rhythm of current year, day or even life!

Here is a small guidance for reading your I Ching Horoscope. For those who is beginning to use Four Pillars of Wisdom.

Something came true for Apple boss. I Ching for Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs followed his destiny in 1996 when he returned to Apple and it exactly match his Later Heaven hexagram…

“One rules many” is one of the Chinese concept.

Divination Tips #1. Help from others in I Ching Horoscope.

Don’t forget when reading your birthday I Ching Horoscope: when the controlling line has a counterpart of the opposite polarity…

Love compatibility using I Ching Astrology

If you want to examine the degree of compatibility between you and your partner or your beloved, Four Pillars of Wisdom can help …

Few tips for understanding hexagrams

The value of using the hexagrams emerges only if proper rules are established for their astrological determination, and applied with a sensitive understanding of their …

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