
Few tips for understanding hexagrams

  • The value of using the hexagrams emerges only if proper rules are established for their astrological determination, and applied with a sensitive understanding of their meanings;
  • The degree of reliability of the I Ching Astrology used in Four Pillars of Wisdom will depend on the qualifications, spiritual development and experience of the interpreter.

According to the I Ching Astrology principles mentioned above, it is very important to have some skill in interpreting hexagrams when you are reading your I Ching horoscope.  Here are few tips which will help you to understand a symbolical meaning of a hexagram better.

  1. The action of a hexagram is from the bottom to the top. The bottom line of a hexagram is the first one, and the top line of a hexagram is the last one;
  2. In the hexagram, lines 1 and 2 represent earth; lines 3 and 4, man; and lines 5 and 6, heaven. Thus, man is an equal partner with heaven and earth;
  3. Lines 2 and 5 are generally the most favorable, and usually line 5 is more favorable than line 2. Lines 2 and 5 are in the middle (most balanced) position of the bottom trigram and the top trigram;
  4. Lines 2, 3, 4 and 5 represent the principal action of the hexagram in most cases;
  5. The ruler of a hexagram is usually line 5, or else a single Yang or Yin amongst five of the opposite polarity (because of the basic principle that one rules many). There are, however, a few exceptions;
  6. Lines 1 and 6 are often outside the main action of the hexagram, line 1 reflecting the basis of action or considerations before the activity can commence, and line 6 representing a decline after the peak of activity or the result of the overabundance of action. Line 6 are often unfavorable;
  7. In general, the order of favorability is: 5 more than 2, more than 4, more than 1, more than 3, more than 6;
  8. There is correspondence between lines 1 and 4; lines 2 and 5; and lines 3 and 6. The correspondence is favorable if the upper of the two lines is a Yang and the lower a Yin, i.e. symbolizing a man leading a woman; it is usually neutral if both lines are of the same nature. A Yang leading a Yin is more favorable than if a Yin is uppermost and a Yang below because a woman leading a man is supposedly an indication of weakness;
  9. Even though the hexagrams are formed in the sixth stage of the evolution of Yin and Yang, they are most frequently considered as being made up two trigrams. Both of these points of view are correct. During any analysis one should bear in mind throughout whether one is considering the hexagram as a whole, or the effects of the separate trigrams;
  10. The bottom trigram symbolize generally the inner aspect of the hexagram action, and the top trigram symbolize the outer aspect of hexagram action;
  11. In a trigram, the top line represents heaven, the middle line, man, and the bottom line, earth.

It is pretty hard to understand your horoscope for the first time because a hexagram description may seem pretty odd. Try to use your intuition when reading a hexagram description. Do not expect straightforward answers to your questions. Remember that I Ching is a guide to your spiritual development. It helps you to answer your own questions by guiding your intuition. Try to put the advices given by the I Ching through your own “filter” of intuition and follow your own heart.

Create your own I Ching Horoscope with Four Pillars of Wisdom.

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